Institute of Philosophy CAS, Jilská 1, CTS Meeting Room, Prague 1
If you are interested in participating, please let us know via email at
The aim of this workshop is to share and discuss the work-in-progress in care theory (care ethics, political theory of care and related approaches) by a diverse group of researchers from across the Czech Republic and Slovakia. The workshop will feature a special guest Maurice Hamington, a prominent American care ethicist, who will be a Visiting Scholar at CETE-P / Institute of Philosophy CAS at the beginning of April 2025. The event is open to the public and entry is free (including coffee breaks). The onsite lunch will be provided to speakers and special guests only.
Workshop schedule:
09.30 - 09.45
Welcome and Introduction
09.45 - 10.15
Maurice Hamington (Portland State University): Centering Care in the Modern Social Compact
10.15 - 10.30
Coffee/Tea Break
10.30 - 12.00
Panel 1: More-than-human Caring
Laura Candiotto (University of Pardubice): Loving Is Caring
Lisa Hall (University of Pardubice): Coming Alive to the World: Cultivating More-than-human Communities in Dialogue with Enactive Ethics and Feminist (Care) Theory
Julita Skotarska (Charles University Prague / CETE-P): On Nonmimetic Caring
Petr Gibas (Masaryk University Brno): Care for Life: From the Garden to the City
12.00 - 13.00
Lunch Break / Onsite Lunch for Speakers
13.00 - 14.30
Panel 2: Ecofeminist, Epistemic, Crip and Digital
Klaudia Kováčová (University of Košice): The Legacy of British Moralists in Feminist Thought: A Study of Wollstonecraft and Ecofeminism
Tanuj Raut (University of Pardubice): Epistemic Care Obligations and the Individuation of Norms
Darja Dočekalová (Palacký University Olomouc): Crip Hospitality: Intersecting Crip and Feminist Care Ethics
John Dorsch (CETE-P / Institute of Philosophy CAS): Why Care Practices Should Prioritize Living Beings over AI: Against AI Welfare
14.30 - 15.00
Coffee/Tea Break
15.00 - 16.15
Panel 3: Democratic Care and Institutions
Adriana Jesenková (University of Košice): How to Care Democratically in Fragmentized Society?
Iveta Bayerová (Charles University Prague): Implementing Equality Policies as a Tool for Creating a Caring University
Michaela Tóthová (University of Košice): The Philosophy of Jane Addams and Her Contribution to Pragmatic Philosophy
and Ethics of Care
16.15 - 16.30
Coffee/Tea Break
16.30 - 17.00
Petr Urban (CETE-P / Institute of Philosophy CAS): Varieties of Care Theory in the CEE Region & Closing Discussion
The event is organized by Julita Skotarska and Petr Urban (
Free entry.
Institute of Philosophy CAS, Jilská 1, CTS Meeting Room, Prague 1
If you are interested in participating, please let us know via email at
The aim of this workshop is to share and discuss the work-in-progress in care theory (care ethics, political theory of care and related approaches) by a diverse group of researchers from across the Czech Republic and Slovakia. The workshop will feature a special guest Maurice Hamington, a prominent American care ethicist, who will be a Visiting Scholar at CETE-P / Institute of Philosophy CAS at the beginning of April 2025. The event is open to the public and entry is free (including coffee breaks). The onsite lunch will be provided to speakers and special guests only.
Workshop schedule:
09.30 - 09.45
Welcome and Introduction
09.45 - 10.15
Maurice Hamington (Portland State University): Centering Care in the Modern Social Compact
10.15 - 10.30
Coffee/Tea Break
10.30 - 12.00
Panel 1: More-than-human Caring
Laura Candiotto (University of Pardubice): Loving Is Caring
Lisa Hall (University of Pardubice): Coming Alive to the World: Cultivating More-than-human Communities in Dialogue with Enactive Ethics and Feminist (Care) Theory
Julita Skotarska (Charles University Prague / CETE-P): On Nonmimetic Caring
Petr Gibas (Masaryk University Brno): Care for Life: From the Garden to the City
12.00 - 13.00
Lunch Break / Onsite Lunch for Speakers
13.00 - 14.30
Panel 2: Ecofeminist, Epistemic, Crip and Digital
Klaudia Kováčová (University of Košice): The Legacy of British Moralists in Feminist Thought: A Study of Wollstonecraft and Ecofeminism
Tanuj Raut (University of Pardubice): Epistemic Care Obligations and the Individuation of Norms
Darja Dočekalová (Palacký University Olomouc): Crip Hospitality: Intersecting Crip and Feminist Care Ethics
John Dorsch (CETE-P / Institute of Philosophy CAS): Why Care Practices Should Prioritize Living Beings over AI: Against AI Welfare
14.30 - 15.00
Coffee/Tea Break
15.00 - 16.15
Panel 3: Democratic Care and Institutions
Adriana Jesenková (University of Košice): How to Care Democratically in Fragmentized Society?
Iveta Bayerová (Charles University Prague): Implementing Equality Policies as a Tool for Creating a Caring University
Michaela Tóthová (University of Košice): The Philosophy of Jane Addams and Her Contribution to Pragmatic Philosophy
and Ethics of Care
16.15 - 16.30
Coffee/Tea Break
16.30 - 17.00
Petr Urban (CETE-P / Institute of Philosophy CAS): Varieties of Care Theory in the CEE Region & Closing Discussion
The event is organized by Julita Skotarska and Petr Urban (
Free entry.
Celetná 988/38
Prague 1
Czech Republic
This project receives funding from the Horizon EU Framework Programme under Grant Agreement No. 101086898.
Celetná 988/38
Prague 1
Czech Republic
This project receives funding from the Horizon EU Framework Programme under Grant Agreement No. 101086898.